Arden hills drivers exam station hours
Arden hills drivers exam station hours

arden hills drivers exam station hours

Drive up perpendicular to the flags and then turn left a little bit until you can see the flags in your rearview mirrors then put the car in reverse. Then you make a right out of your designated lane (signal every turn!) and perform the 90-degree back-up between two flags spaced nine feet apart.


The first you're required to do is identify how to do certain things - e.g., put on your seatbelt, adjust your seat, adjust your mirrors (very important for parking, do ahead of time), turn on your signal light, hazard lights (double-blinkers), headlights (dim and high-beam), windshield wipers, and emergency brakes. It's a closed course, which I like, since you get to go as slow as you'd like. I had my driving test today in Arden Hills and it went very well actually.

arden hills drivers exam station hours arden hills drivers exam station hours

Here are my impressions of AH (plus free driving tips!): When I took my test at Arden Hills years ago, I got 100 on my first try and nothing was a surprise. My driver's ed training told us everything. Let me know when you are driving so I can stay home that day. Then again, I live in a 'hood of only uncontrolled intersections, and every single person going through my area has no idea how to handle them except my wife and me. Where the hell did you take your driver's ed, then? Have you even read the driver's manual? This is basic, basic, stuff. I came to a complete stop and my tester told me that there wasn't a stop sign, yet I couldn't help but think "there aren't stop signs anywhere!" So if there is no stop sign, should I come to a complete stop, or just yield? However, I was having some trouble on when to come to complete stop and when to yield, simply because there were no stop signs. Now I have never heard of an uncontrolled intersection, but I have read up on it and now I think I get it. I just had my driver's test today at the Arden Hills location, and I failed because I was told that I did not yield at the uncontrolled intersection.

Arden hills drivers exam station hours